Motion - The topic under dispute in a debate. A statement that teams must propose or oppose., Evidence - Knowledge on which to base belief, Fallacy - A misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning, House - The place where the debate is taking place and anyone present, Debate - The formal presentation of a proposition and its opposition, Opposition/Opp - This team is responsible for disagreeing with the motion, Proposition/Prop - This team is responsible for supporting the motion, Summary - The final speech for each team, Rebuttal - An argument that says or proves that something is not true, Adjudication panel - Observers of a debate who are responsible for deciding which team has won, Chair person - The person responible for introducing speakers, ensuring that the rules are observed and generally keeping order, Argumentation - The act or process of forming reasons and of drawing conclusions and applying them to a case in discussion , Bias - Supporting or opposing something in an unfair way, because of allowing personal opinions or prejudice to influence your judgment, Team line - General statement of what a team is arguing in the debate., Argument - A claim backed by reasons that are supported by evidence, Claim - A statement or argument backed up with evidence or facts., Counter-argument - An argument that makes an opposing point to another argument.,

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