What’s your name?, Where are you from?, How old are you?, Where do you live?, What’s your phone number?, What’s your job?, What’s your favorite music?, Do you play music regularly?, Do you have a pet? Which one?, What’s your favorite TV program?, What’s your address?, What time do you get up?, When is your birthday?, Do you have best friends?, What is your favorite sport?, How many people are in your company?, Do you play a sport regularly?, Where do you study/work?, What time do you return from your office?, What is your favorite free time activity?, How many people are in your family?, Do you have any brothers or sisters?, What are your hobbies?, What do you usually do at the weekend?, What summer free time activities do you like?, Do you live in a house or in an apartment?, What is your favorite song?, Where do you go on holidays?, Do you prefer summer or winter? Why?, What’s your favorite food?, Do you play computer games?, What do you like doing with your friends?, What do you like doing with your family?, What winter free time activities do you like?, What free time activities do you hate?.


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