What would your superhero costume look like?, What would you choose as your top 5 songs of all time?, What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?, If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?, You’re forming a team of treasure hunters. Which job would you assign to yourself and why?, When was the last time you had to tell someone I told you so?, What annoys you most?, What would be the worst thing you could hear as you were going under anesthesia?, What is something you really resent paying for?, Which celebrity would you like to meet and why?, what movie or TV show makes you laugh no matter how many times you watch it?, What is a show you are currently binging? , what is the funniest joke you have ever heard?, What large animal would you want as a pet if it could be scaled down to the size of a cat?, What old person thing do you do?, What was really cool when you were younger that isn't so cool now?, If there is an afterlife what would you want buried with you?, What is the most expensive thing you have broken?, When you walk into the room what theme song would you want to play?, What is the most ridiculous thing you have bought?, What food combination do other people think is weird, but you really enjoy?, Who would be the narrator of your life?, Who was your favorite teacher and why?, When you are older what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about? , What is your favorite movie or book character and why?.


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