1) Mr. Jones watches films. Films ...... by Mr Jones. a) watches b) are watched c) is watched d) were watched 2) Oliver taught the children. The children ........ by Oliver. a) were taught b) is taught c) are teached d) taught 3) The policemen help citizens. Citizens ....... by the policemen. a) helped b) were helped c) are helped d) is help 4) Mario stole the blue car. The blue car ...... by Mario. a) is stole b) was stolen c) stole d) stolen 5) We won the match. a) The match was won by us. b) We the match won. c) The match were win by us. d) We were won the match. 6) I take photos. a) Photos are taken by me. b) I was took photos. c) Photos is taken. d) Photos were took. 7) She bought four apples. a) Apples were bought by her. b) Apples were buy by her. c) Four apples were bought by her. d) She is buy four apples. 8) We do the housework. a) We have done the housework. b) The housework were did. c) The housework was done. d) The housework is done by us.

Passive voice (Present simple and past simple)


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