1) What does bike courier Steve Mitchell think about being a bike courier? a) He thinks it's a poorly paid job. Dont take it. b) He likes the freedom and the exercise. c) It's a hard job and you risk your life daily. d) He thinks it's fun. e) He thinks it's too dangerous. f) It's exhausting a person to death if you work that job. 2) The job is difficult, because... a) You need to know your way around places in a big city. b) People dont like you biking around the city. c) Not everybody is used to being nine hours a day on a bike. d) The things you deliver are often very heavy. e) It is easy to weave through the traffic. f) You exhaust yourself to death. 3) What was the most exciting thing the bike courier ever delivered? a) Parcel to a famous celebrity. b) Parcel to a member of the royal family. c) Parcel to a Prime Minister. d) Parcel to one of his family members. e) Parcel to a famous location. f) Parcel to somewhere in the middle of nowhere. 4) The first Cycleway was opened in.... a) 2011. b) 1990. c) 2001. d) 2010. e) 2221. f) 3021. 5) London was called the ... in the time of ... because of its extreme air pollution. a) The Big Smoke, the Industrial Revolution b) The Big Apple, the French Revolution c) The Big Pollution, the first World War 6) In 2003 the Mayor introduced ... to ... . a) new railways, the people b) a congestion charge, reduce traffic and improve air quality c) an apple, his son 7) What is the quickest way to get around London? a) By tube. b) By bike. c) By car. d) By bus. e) By taxi. f) On foot. 8) How many streets exist in London? a) 2.500 b) 25.000 c) 250.000 d) 250 9) Which test do taxi drivers need to take for their job? a) The test. b) The know-the-streets-test. c) The taxi test. d) The Knowledge. 10) How many important places do taxi drivers need to know the route to? a) 10.000 b) 15.000 c) 20.000 d) 25.000 e) 30.000 f) 35.000


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