What are some activities you like to do?, What are some good habits that you have?, What are some things you do every day?, Do you have any bad habits?, What is something you should do every day but don’t?, What kind of books do you usually read?, What are you reading at the moment?, What type of TV series do you like?, What series are you watching at the moment?, What type of books do you like?, Are you reading anything at the moment?, Do you enjoy studying?, What are you studying these days?, What type of music do you usually listen to?, What are you listening to at the moment?, Do you have any brothers or sisters?, What is your favourite food?, How many languages do you speak?, How often do you see your family?, Do you believe in ghosts?, Do you know anyone famous?, Do you need any help with anything at the moment?, What kind of music do you like?, Is there anything that you hate doing?, What type food do you love?, What food do you hate?, Are you watching any TV series at the moment?, What are you wearing today?, What are you thinking of doing this weekend?, What are you doing after class?, What are you doing this weekend?, What are you eating tonight?, Do you like travelling?, How do you relax?, Do you normally read a newspaper?, How often do you go to the cinema?, What is happening in the news at the moment?, What are you wearing today?, What projects are you working on at the moment?, What is your favorite sports team? How are they doing this season?.

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