1) full of remorse a) remorseless b) ambitionless c) remorseful d) thoughtless 2) full of respect a) disrespectful b) respectful c) remorseful d) thoughtless 3) existing in great quanities a) ambitionless b) plentiful c) flavourful d) delightful 4) full of power a) powerless b) fruitless c) faithless d) powerful 5) full of delight a) respectful b) delightful c) lifeless d) remorseful 6) full of flavour a) flavourless b) flavourful c) powerful d) plentiful 7) without thought a) thoughtless b) thoughtful c) delightful d) lifeless 8) without ambition a) ambitious b) clueless c) delightful d) ambitionless 9) without faith a) faithful b) fruitless c) thoughtless d) faithless 10) without life a) delightful b) ambitionless c) faithless d) lifeless 11) failing to get a desired result a) fruitful b) lifeless c) fruitless d) plentiful 12) without a clue a) clueless b) faithless c) flavourful d) ambitionless

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