Do you like sports?, What country would you like to go to and why?, What was the last film you saw on TV or at the Cinema? Did you like it?, Do you remember a special time when you got really scared?, What is your favourite music?, Do you play an instrument?, What would you like to change in the world?, Do you like school?, What is your favourite subject at school?, What would you like to change about school?, What is your favourite food?, Where would you like to live? City/Country and why., How important are friends to you?, Do you think it is nice to be alone sometimes?, Do you help out at home? , What age would you like to be and why?, If you won 1 million SEK, what would you do and why?, What is good about having brothers or sisters?, What makes you happy?, What makes you angry?, Do you think the environment is important?, What do you do for the environment?, Which one do you prefer: summer - winter, Are you a morning person or a night owl?, Which day of the week is your favourite day and why?.


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