1) There's ... family in ... photo. a) a, a b) the, the c) a, - d) a, the 2) There are many boxes in ... basement. a) a b) the c) an d) - 3) I play ... saxophone. a) the b) a c) - d) on 4) He wants to see ... Pacific ocean. a) - b) the c) an d) a 5) We visited ... Lake Baikal last year. a) the b) an c) - d) a 6) ... Mount Everest is ... highest mountain in the world. a) the, - b) the, the c) a, the d) -, the 7) ... Neva is a famous river in ... St.Petersburg. a) the, - b) -, the c) -, - d) the, the 8) ... Mississippi is ... longest river in ... United States. a) -, the, - b) the, -, - c) the, the, the d) -, the, the 9) ... first month is ... January. a) the, a b) a, - c) -, - d) the, - 10) John Tyler was ... tenth president of ... America. a) the, the b) the , - c) a, the d) -, the 11) She goes to ... cinema every Friday. a) the b) a c) an d) - 12) My neighbours have noisy parties at ... night. a) the b) a c) - d) an 13) I like jogging in ... park in ... morning. a) the, - b) a, the c) a, - d) the, the 14) I saw ... film. ... film was terrific. a) the, a b) a, the c) a, a d) the, the 15) ... old doctor lived in our city. ... doctor was 80 years old. a) a, the b) the, a c) an, a d) an, the


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