1) The trees product fruits that are the size of a) A Baseball b) A Football c) A Softball d) A Soccer 2) Inside the fruit are numbers of seeds which we know as a) Blackpepper b) Rice c) Avocadoes d) Brazil nut 3) About ___ of our favorite foods have orgins in the rainforest a) 50% b) 100% c) 35% d) 80% 4) Oil is shipped from amazon to many countries for refinement,including the a) Japan b) italy c) Atlanta d) U.S 5) The rainforest has the highest a) Biodiversity b) biology c) sciencetist d) animals 6) Trees used to cover 14% of the earth. Now it covers a) 7% b) 4% c) 6% d) 65% 7) You can find more than  a) 300 reptiles  b) 40 reptiles c) 20 reptiles d) 78 reptiles 8) Medicines come from a) Plants b) Trees c) Grass d) Houses 9) Cutting down trees from a rainforest is called a) deforestation b) pollution  c) polloutin d) People throwing trash everywhere 10) How many kinds of plants can you find in the amazon rainforest a) 34 b) 40,000 c) 78 d) 56 e) 400 11) ___% of all Fresh water is located in Amazon Rainforest  a) 20% b) 60% c) 87% d) 200% e) 5% f) 98% 12) There are flavors in the Rainforest such as a) Cocoa,vanilla,& spices b) Banana,Coconut,& Pineapples c) Pumpkin spice d) Orange juices 13) There is Rainier season usually from a) Janurary-may b) august-september c) may-december  d) whole year around 14) How many inches of rainfalls each year? a) 120 inches b) 30 inches c) 9 inches d) 6 inches

The Amazon Rainforest


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