1) She's got ... biscuits. a) some b) any 2) They haven't got ... orange juice a) some b) any 3) Have they got ... pasta? a) some b) any 4) Can we have ... bananas, please? a) some b) any 5) We haven't got ... Coke. a) some b) any 6) Have you got ... milk? a) some b) any 7) They've got ... cakes. a) some b) any 8) Would you like ... biscuits? a) some b) any 9) I haven't got ... rice. a) some b) any 10) We haven't got ... eggs. a) some b) any 11) Have you got ... cheese? a) some b) any 12) Can I have .... meat? a) some b) any 13) I haven't got ... cake. a) some b) any 14) We've got .... burgers. a) some b) any 15) Would you like ... coffe? a) some b) any


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