1) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. a) YES b) NO 2) The water boils. Can you turn it off? a) YES b) NO 3) Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. a) YES b) NO 4) This sauce is great. I'm thinking it's tasty.  a) YES b) NO 5) Pete's often going to work by car. a) YES b) NO 6) They skateboard a lot these days. a) YES b) NO 7) I'm seeing how they're making a music video. a) YES b) NO 8) Hey! Are you looking for anything? Can I help you? a) YES b) NO 9) I'm loving collecting new devices. a) YES b) NO 10) Tina is so smart! I think she knows everything in the world.  a) YES b) NO 11) My mum doesn't cook these days. a) YES b) NO 12) Are you understading me? a) YES b) NO

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