1) She's won prizes for her research. She _______________ be really intelligent. a) must b) might c) can't 2) I wouldn't take an umbrella if I were you. It's sunny. I think it _______________ be raining outside. a) must b) might c) can't 3) Someone is knocking on my door. It _______________ be Mike. He's on holiday until next week. a) must b) might c) can't 4) Hey, guess what?! I _______________ be getting a car for my birthday! It's not completely definite yet, though... a) must b) might c) can't 5) I can't believe you've been waiting all this time! You _______________ be really bored. a) must b) might c) can't 6) His car's not here. He _______________ be somewhere else. a) must b) might c) can't 7) Look how much sugar it's got in it! It _______________ be good for you. a) must b) might c) can't 8) A: Where are my keys? B: I don't know. They _______________ be on your desk or on your bedside table. a) must b) might c) can't

Modals of Deduction: Must / Might / Can't


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