fringe  - something regarded as peripheral, marginal, secondary, or extreme, nausea - the feeling of having to vomit or having the urge to vomit, commencement address - a speech given to graduating students, generally at a university, to wrap one's head around - to find a way to understand or accept (something), to strike a balance - to choose a moderate course or compromise, to ditch - to get rid of or give up, ennobling experience - something that gives people a better character or nature, to inoculate - to immunize (someone) against a disease, to implode - to end or fail suddenly or dramatically, inevitable - certain to happen; unavoidable, setbacks - a reversal in progress an event that delays your progress or reverses some of the progress that you have made, vicissitudes - hardships, heart-breaking events in one's life, to envision - to imagine as a future possibility; visualize, to slope off - to leave a place quietly or secretly; to sneak off, cautiously - deliberately avoiding potential problems or dangers; very carefully,


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