1 - How do you earn, save and spend money?, 2 - Hidden Treasure (Forrest Fenn), 3 - Деревянный сундук, древние фигурки, золотая пыль, антикв. украшения (in Eng), 4 - Which/that/who/where (explain+example), 5 - How important is money to you? Are you good with money? , 6 - Think of three reasons why you or people in your (future) profession should get more money., 7 - Clothes, 8 - Too much(many)/ (not) enough/ too/ very (explain+example) , 9 - Разглядывать витрины/универмаг/покупки онлайн/распродажа/определенные бренды (in Eng), 10 - During my working day, I don't have enough time to …, 11 - These days too many people …, 12 - Buying things (customer), 13 - One thing that is too difficult for me is …, 14 - Бронежилет/в наличии/выгодная сделка/вещи, 15 - One thing that makes me very happy about my work is …, 16 - Multi-verbs (give/turn/take), 17 - Угощения/получка/лишняя мелочь/копилка (in Eng), 18 - Have you ever done a job/task that turned into a nightmare? What happened?, 19 - What boring tasks take up your time?, 20 - Why do you think so many people give up trying to learn a foreign language?, 21 - Buying things (assistant), 22 - Увеличивать свои накопления/разоряться на что то/выплачивать мин. платеж/ быть в долгах (in Eng) ,

Unit 8 Final SpeakOut Pre-Intermediate


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