wear off - to gradually disappear or become less effective over time, set off - to start a journey, trigger something, or cause an explosion, fend off - to defend oneself against an attack or unwanted advances, put off - to postpone or delay something, shrug off - to dismiss or ignore something as unimportant, cross off - to remove or cancel something from a list, laugh off - to treat something as humorous and not take it seriously, call off - to cancel an event or activity, fight off - to resist or repel an attacker or illness, ease off - to decrease in intensity or severity, make off - to leave quickly or escape, cut off - to disconnect or stop the flow of something, brush off - to reject or disregard someone or something, rub off - to transfer or remove something by rubbing or friction, drop off - to begin to sleep, shake off - successfully deal with or recover from an illness, injury, or negative feeling, pull off - succeed in achieving or winning something difficult,


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