When did you last cook something? What did you cook?, When was the last time you bought something nice for you?, What time did you get up this morning and why did you get up at that time?, When was the last time you watch a series on TV? What´s the name of the series?, When did you last reply to an email? What was it about?, When was the last time you exercised? What did you do?, When was the last time you asked someone for help? What did you need?, When was the last time you tried something new? (food), What was your favorite class in school? Why did you like it?, When was the last time you watched a video on YouTube? What was it about?, When was the last time you worked for a very long time? What did you have to do?, When was the last time you studied English at home? What did you practice?, What did you have for lunch yesterday? Where did you eat it? , What did you do on your last birthday?.

Speaking practice - Past Simple - Regular and Irregular Verbs


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