immune system - parts of the body that work together to fight disease, Infect - to make someone sick, protect - to keep a person or an item safe from harm or illness, symptom - something wrong with your body that shows you are sick, vaccine - a substance used to keep people from getting a disease, virus - a tiny living thing that causes disease, examine - to look carefully at something in order to learn more about it, investigate - to try to find out facts to learn about something, produce - to make naturally, obvious - easily noticed and understood, refuse - to say that you will not do something that someone asks of you, cover - to hide something using something else, antibodies - things the body make to fight diseases, bacteria - small, living things that can cause illness, equipment - tools used to complete a specific job, microbes - small, living things that can only be seen with a microscope and may cause disease, precaution - an action taken to stop something harmful from happening, treat - to try to cure an illness using medication, confirm - to provide proof that something is true, determine - to figure out the facts or truth, rare - not often seen or found, assign - to send someone to a place for a job, contain - to have or hold something, expose to - to be put in a situation that is dangerous or unprotected , overwhelmed - to take over and cause something to stop, mystery - something that people can understand or explain, spread - to move and affect a larger area, avoid - to stay away from a person or something,

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