1) What's the most expensive shopping street in the world?  a) New Bond Street Milan b) Fifth Avenue in NY c) Via Ponte Neapole in Milan 2) What's the longest day in the year? a) 21 June b) 23 June c) 20 June 3) What's the longest epic in the world? a) Illiad, Odyssey b) Mahabharata c) The Epic of Gilgamesh 4) What's the brightest star in the sky? a) Betelgeuse b) Vega c) Sirius 5) What was the first candy in the world? a) sugar candy b) honey candy  c) chocolate candy 6) What's the smelliest animal in the world a) fitch b) skunk c) zorilla 7) What's the highest bungee jump in the world? a) 233 m b) 212 m c) 260 m 8) What are the deadliest creatures in the world?  a) mosqitoes b) snakes c) dogs/wolves

Project 2 Unit 5C Superlatives


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