1) May I congratulate you ... passing your university entrance exam. a) for b) on c) with d) about 2) Kids! For the last time! Eat your lunch, ...? a) will you b) might you c) don't you d) could you 3) Do you ever have one of those days when you can't get your message ...? a) in front b) through c) between d) across 4) My wife's made all sorts of fancy meals, but I still don't know what's she's ... . a) good in b) good at c) good for d) good with 5) Tonight there is going to be ... special classical concert ... Albert Hall in honour of ... Queen. a) a-a-the b) a-the-the c) the-a-a d) the-the-the 6) Damn! I wish I ... to bed earlier. Now I feel dog-tired. a) go b) will have gone c) had gone d) would have gone 7) Please give us a shout ... lunch is ready. a) in any case b) provided c) as long as d) as soon as 8) ... was it Mr Thompson said he wanted? a) Where b) What c) How d) Whenever 9) How can anyone stay indoors in ... fine weather? a) such b) so c) such a d) so much 10) Olympic athletes usually compete when the yar in the ... of health. a) summit b) peak c) top d) tip 11) The police ... him with armed robbery. a) arrested b) charged c) penalised d) accused 12) By the time he got to page 26 of the handbook, Martin was competely ... by the complex instructions. a) lost b) alarmed c) baffled d) shaken 13) Despite all indications ... the contrary, the island was in fact inhabited. a) to b) on c) at d) by 14) This particular product is ... at the teenage market. a) directed b) aimed c) launched d) pushed 15) Is an inexperienced civil servant ... to the task of running the company? a) capable b) skilled c) eligible d) suited

Emelt - Multiple T8.3.


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