1) funnel-shaped depression at the top formed as a result of explosive eruption a) crater b) lava c) caldera 2) volcanic crater that is formed when a part of the wall of the crater collapses. a) caldera b) lava c) crater 3) magma that has been ejected out of a volcano. a) lava b) caldera c) crater 4) formed by the accumulation of lava oozes out a) composite b) shield c) cinder cone 5) built from ejected lava fragments, they have a steep slope, a) cinder cone b) composite c) shield 6) A.K.A. strato volcano a) cinder cone b) composite c) shield 7) stream-driven eruption as the hot rocks come in contact wiith water. a) phreatomagnatic b) phreatic c) strombolian 8) violent eruption due to the contact between water and magma. a) phreatic b) strombolian c) phreatomagnatic 9) fountain lava a) strombolian b) phreatic c) vulcanian 10) tall eruption that reach up to 20km high with pyroclastic flow a) strombolian b) vulcanian c) phreatic 11) excessively explosive type of gas and pyroclastics. a) vulcanian b) strombolian c) plianian 12) belt of volcanoes. a) pacific ring of fire b) plianian c) strombolian 13) the averaged weather condition of any place over 30 years a) weather b) climate c) temperature 14) Day-to-day or short-term condition of he changes in the atmosphere. a) weather b) climate c) temperature 15) the wind blows. Warm, Moist Air. a) leeward side b) windward side c) latitude 16) the air oves down towards the opposite region. a) leaward side b) windward side c) altitude 17) deflects the ocean currents. a) el nino b) el nina c) coriolis effect 18) temperature in Eastern Pacific decreases below normal. a) la nina b) el nino c) coriolis effect 19) is the closest star to the Earth. a) palaris b) sirius c) north star 20) how many constellations recognized by the International Astronomy a) 78 b) 89 c) 88


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