1) After an hour she____to complete this task a) achieved b) succeeded c) managed d) fulfilled 2) Her______and hard work helped her win in this competition a) admiration b) determination c) adaptation d) confession 3) "What a nice dress!" - ______my mother a) stated b) expressed c) exclaimed d) proposed 4) I _____ that we should go for a walk a) suggest b) offer c) propose d) convince 5) Mr Johns _____his students like his family a) applied b) judged c) treated d) admitted 6) Her new job____Marta to rent a flat a) allowed b) afforded c) assured d) accepted 7) She was _____up in a poor district of Panem a) grown b) brought c) raised d) risen 8) These vegetables were ______in the south of Russia a) grown b) brought c) raised d) risen 9) She arrived___the airport right on time a) in b) at c) by d) on 10) You should___calm if you want to make the right decision a) retain b) remove c) remain d) reassure

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