Invite your visitor to a restaurant one evening., Telephone the restaurant to book a table for two people., You arrive at the restaurant. Refer to your booking., Offer your guest a drink before the meal., Ask the waiter to explain a dish on the menu., Find out what starter and main course your guest would like., Choose a wine. Check the choice with your guest., Order starter, main course and wine for your guest and yourself., Check your guest is happy with his/her dish., Offer your guest some more wine., Ask the waiter for another bottle of wine and more bread, Offer your guest a dessert., Suggest a coffee or liqueur., Ask the waiter for the bill., There's mistake on the bill. Explain it to the waiter., Find out if the restaurant takes credit cards., Thank your host for the meal., Ask the waiter to order a taxi for you., Say goodbye to your host. Refer to the next time you expect to meet..

Restaurant situations - business (host and visitor)


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