Freedom - Do what you want without being asked to do it., Responsability - Do things that you have to do by commitment., Tolerance - A person who respects the opinions, ideas or attitudes of other people even if they do not coincide with their own., Solidarity - Unconditional support for other people's things, especially in difficult or compromising situations., Dreamer - Person who imagines that things are certain or possible, generally good and pleasant, that only exist in his mind and that are unlikely to happen or that they differ considerably from existing reality., Fair - What is fair is to give each one what corresponds to him., Respect - It is a value that allows the human being to recognize, accept, appreciate and value the qualities of others and their rights. That is, respect is the recognition of one's own value and the rights of individuals and society., Punishment - It is received for doing something bad like for example killing someone that way would go to jail., Democrarcy - Is a system of government, which allows citizens to express their opinion and be heard. All people deserve respect and consideration. No matter your age, skin color, religion or country of origin., Tranquility - Is the state of calm, serenity, or peace that a person experiences.,
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