1) Who's this person? a) Priya b) Miriam c) Stacy d) Abby 2) What gift does Miriam give to Mei at the beginning of the movie? a) A bag b) A 4 Town CD c) A tamagotchi d) A friendship bracelet 3) What's Devon's job? a) He's a police officer b) He's a shop assistant c) He's bus driver d) He's a fashion designer 4) Who's this person? a) Aaron T b) Aaron Z c) Robaire d) Tae Young 5) What city does the movie take place in? a) Orlando b) Sidney c) Arauco d) Toronto 6) What's the bully's name? a) Robert b) Tyler c) Devon d) Max 7) Where does the 4 Town concert take place? a) Sky Stadium b) Sky Dome c) Super Dome d) Easter Roa Stadium 8) The ritual takes place on the night of a... a) Solar eclipse b) Red moon c) Full moon d) Blue moon 9) What class is Mei in when she turns into a panda for the 1st time? a) Science b) Chemistry c) English d) Math 10) What's the mascot's name? a) Mai Lin Lee b) Sushi Lee c) Tse Lee d) Gaby Lee 11) Abby thinks the concert on May 18th is in Toronto, but where is it? a) Tulsa b) Toledo c) Topeka d) Arauco 12) How does Mei's mother find out about Mei's secret crush on Devon? a) Photos in her bedroom b) Miriam tells her c) Her notebook drawings d) A secret letter 13) Which Mei's body part turns red forever? a) Her nose b) Her eyes c) Her hair d) Her nails 14) She's got dark straight hair, she's wearing an overall: a) Miriam b) Abby c) Priya d) Mei 15) She's got dark curly hair, she's wearing glasses: a) Abby b) Miriam c) Priya d) Mei

Turning Red Trivia n2


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