I'd like to have a new laptop. - I wish/ If only I had a new laptop., I regret eating Doshirak. - I wish/ If only I hadn't eaten Doshirak. , I'm not very sociable. - I wish/ If only I were more sociable. , I've got a friend who speaks too quietly. It's very annoying. - I wish/ if only my friend would speak more loudly OR I wish/ if only my friend wouldn't speak so quietly., I can't get to sleep before about 2 a.m. - I wish/ If only I could get to sleep before 2 a.m., I'm sorry I can't come to your party. - I wish/ If only I could come to your party!, I ran out of toothpaste. I can't brush my teeth. - I wish/ If only I had bought a tube of toothpaste. If only I could brush my teeth!, I can't cook very well. - I wish/ If only I could cook very well., I'm frustrated because it's raining. - I wish/ If only it would stop raining., I regret not buying Bitcoin. - I wish/ If only I had bought Bitcoin., I forgot to invite my friend to my birthday party. I feel terrible. - I wish/ If only I had invited my friend!, I don't have free time. - I wish/ if only I had more free time., I didn't do my homework. - I wish/ If only I had done my homework., I went to the store and forgot to buy some sugar. I can't bake my favorite cake.  - I wish/ If only I hadn't forgotten to buy some sugar. OR I wish/ If only I could bake a cake.,

outcomes advanced unit 6 I wish/ If only


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