1) What is the UK's second city after London? 英國僅次於倫敦的第二大城市是什麼? a) Manchester b) Birmingham c) Liverpool d) Edinburgh 2) When did the Anglo-Saxons come to England? 盎格魯撒克遜人什麼時候來到英格蘭的? a) 410 AD b) 793 AD c) 1066 AD d) 1485 AD 3) Which famous document, signed in 1215, limited the powers of the monarch and laid the foundation for the rule of law in England?哪份著名的檔,於1215年簽署,限制了君主的權力,為英格蘭的法治奠定了基礎? a) Magna Carta b) The Declaration of Independence c) The Emancipation Proclamation d) The Bill of Rights 4) Who is the patron saint of Scotland?誰是蘇格蘭的守護神? a) Saint George b) Saint Patrick c) Saint David d) Saint Andrew 5) Which of the following is NOT a British Overseas Territory? 以下哪項不是英國海外領土? a) Bermuda b) Gibraltar c) Falkland Islands d) Isle of Man 6) Who is the supreme governor of the Church of England?  誰是英國國教的最高總督? a) The Pope b) The Monarch (current king or queen) c) The Prime Minister d) The Archbishop of Canterbury 7) Which British scientist is famous for his work on the laws of motion and gravity? 哪位英國科學家以其在運動和萬有引力定律方面的工作而聞名? a) Charles Darwin b) Isaac Newton c) Stephen Hawking d) Alexander Fleming 8) What is the flower associated with Wales? 與威爾士有關的花是什麼? a) daffodil b) rose c) shamrock d) thistle 9) Which of the following is a traditional Scottish dish? 以下哪道是傳統的蘇格蘭菜? a) Fish and Chips b) Bangers and Mash c) Haggis d) Yorkshire Pudding 10) Who is responsible for making and approving laws in the House of Commons? 誰負責制定和批准下議院的法律? a) The Prime Minister b) The Chancellor of the Exchequer c) Members of Parliament (MPs) d) The Monarch


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