1. What's the most hilarious moment you've ever read in a book or watched in a movie?, 2. Have you ever watched an awful movie or read an awful book that was so bad it was actually good?, 3. Can you name a movie or book with a catchy theme song or tagline?, 4. What's the most disturbing book or movie you've ever read or watched, and why did it stick with you?, 5. Do you prefer commercial Hollywood blockbusters or independent films and books that are more offbeat?, 6. Can you think of a character or plotline in a book or movie that you found dull or uninspiring?, 7. What's a book or movie that you found so gripping you just had to keep reading/watching until the end?, 8. Have you ever read a book or watched a movie that was so poorly done it made you angry?, 9. Do you prefer reading the book before watching the movie adaptation, or vice versa?, 10. If you could pick any book or movie to turn into a musical, which one would you choose and why?.

Outcomes B2 Unit 1 ex.6 Books and movies adjectives practice


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