1) Why are testes kept outside the body? a) To keep the temperature below 37o b) To keep the temperature above 37o c) To keep the temperature at 37o 2) What is another name for the egg? a) ovary b) ova c) sperm d) gonad 3) What colour is the vagina in this diagram? a) white b) red c) blue d) yellow 4) What is the name of 4? a) prostate b) testes c) penis d) bladder 5) He aha te ingoa 4? a) ure b) raho c) teke d) pūkaro raho 6) Where in the female reproductive system does the embryo implant? a) fallopian tube b) vagina c) ovary d) uterine lining 7) Where in the female reproductive system does fertilisation occur? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 f) 6 8) How many sperm cells are needed to fertilise an egg? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 9) What are gametes? a) organs where sperm are made b) sex cells c) zygotes d) organs where eggs are made 10) Where in the male reproductive system are sperm made? a) penis b) sperm duct c) testes d) prostate 11) Where are the eggs made? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 6 f) 7 12) What do we call 5? a) testes b) sperm duct c) urethra d) prostate 13) What do we call 6? a) fallopian tube b) ovary c) cervix d) blood lining 14) What is the name of the gland at the base of the brain that starts puberty? a) adrenal gland b) ovary c) prostate gland d) pituitary gland 15) What hormones kick start the gonads (ovaries and testes) to start producing sex cells and sex hormones. a) testosterone & oestrogen b) LH & FSH c) pestrogen & testerone d) adrenaline

Human Reproduction


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