1) The indendent variable is the variable that we change a) True b) False 2) The dependent variable is the variable we measure a) True b) False 3) The independent variable goes on the a) x axis b) y axis 4) The dependent variable goes on the a) x axis b) y axis 5) The scale on each axis should be copied from the values in the table. It doesn't have to go up in equal jumps. a) True b) False 6) The scale on each axis should go up in equal jumps. e.g 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 a) True b) False 7) When drawing the axes, we should a) use a ruler b) draw the lines freehand 8) When drawing a graph, we should use a) a pen b) a pencil 9) When joining the points plotted, we draw a line or curve as close to as many points as possible a) True b) False 10) We should always join the line to the origin, even if we haven't plotted a point there a) True b) False 11) The label on each axis should be a) Simple and as short as possible b) Copied from the table, including units

Drawing a line graph S1 Topic 1


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