1) What can businesses do to succeed? 2) What businesses are successful in your country/industry? Why? 3) How good are you at negotiating? 4) How do you feel about job interviews? 5) Have you ever worked in another country? 6) What difficulties can working abroad have? 7) If you could choose, where would you like to work abroad? 8) How do you manage crises? 9) What kinds of crises occur in your workplace? 10) What sorts of crises have affected your country? 11) What makes an excellent leader? 12) Do you have to give any presentations at work? If so, what are they about? 13) How do you feel about giving presentations? 14) What parts of customer service does your company focus on? 15) What is your worst customer service experience? What is your best, and why? 16) How often do you have meetings at work? 17) Do you like meetings at work? Why/why not? 18) How can you prevent getting terminated? 19) What is the company culture of your company? Do you like it? 20) What work experience do you have? 21) How did you like your previous work? 22) What can you gain from work experience? 23) How much overtime do you usually work? 24) How do you feel about working overtime? 25) What is the overtime policy like in your company? 26) Do you go on business trips at work? Where? 27) What are the advantages/disadvantages of business trips? 28) What advice do you have for somebody traveling for business? 29) Who exactly is your company’s competition? 30) What advantages/disadvantages does your competition have? 31) How can your company overcome the competition? 32) What risks does your company come across? 33) How does your company handle these risks? 34) What situation could be a big risk to your company? 35) What is your opinion on investing? 36) What investments do you have? Why? 37) Are you a conservative or risky investor? Why? 38) Have you ever had any challenging situations/altercations with your colleagues? 39) Do you spend time with your colleagues outside of work? Why/why not? 40) What hard times is your industry/country going through? 41) What hard times have you experienced? 42) What have you learned from hard times? 43) What advice do you have for someone who wants a raise? 44) Do you think raises are important? Why/why not? 45) Have you ever worked in sales? 46) How good of a salesperson are you? Why/why not? 47) What makes a good salesperson? 48) Who are the customers for your company/industry? 49) As a customer in general, what do you usually expect? 50) How do you gain more customers? 51) What is excellent customer service? 52) What is poor customer service? 53) Have you ever had to deal with customers? How was it? 54) What is your understanding of marketing? 55) What is your company’s target market? 56) What kind of marketing does your company use? 57) How do you feel about the regulations at your job? 58) Why do you think rules and regulations exist? 59) Do you think English is the global business language? If so, what does that mean in your country? 60) How often do you use English in your career? 61) Do you feel more comfortable emailing or calling someone in English? Do you feel that writing formal English is challenging? 62) Do you think English will get you promoted? Are there any annual English tests that are mandatory for you to take in your company? 63) Do you get nervous speaking to foreign colleagues or clients in English? What is your best story for this question? 64) Can you think of any companies known for their exceptional customer service? Do you support these companies as a consumer? 65) How do you ensure your clients and customers get great customer service from either you or your subordinates?

65 Business English Conversation Questions


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