Who are you currently looking up to as a role model? Why?, Who has influenced your life and why?, Tell me about a mistake you have recently made and what you may have learned from it., Tell me about a personal achievement that has made you proud. , Tell me about something you have been doing to improve your English., How have you been spending your free time outside of school lately?, What have you learned about yourself since you've been a student in your high school?, Have you travelled abroad before? If so, how has it changed you on a personal level?, What areas of your personality/ your life have you been working on in the past years?, What is something you have never done, but wish you have?, What TV series are you watching these days? What books are you reading?, What's your morning routine?, What's your weekend routine?, How often do your check your phone?, Where are you planning to travel in the near future?, What have you been doing to improve your health and fitness lately?, What's a skill you've learned recently and how long have you been practicing it?, What are you currently working on in your studies?, Do you usually prepare your own meals?, Are there any activities you're looking forward to experiencing soon?.

Advanced - Present tenses speaking


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