school life in the USA: teachers usually stay in their rooms and students move around, each students has a locker, every school day starts with a morning message from the principal and the Pledge of Allegiance, the schedule is the same every day of the week, there are lots of extracurricular activities to choose from, there are study hall periods where students can do their homework, if you want to go to the toilet, you need a hall pass, there are subjects like Astronomy and Journalism you can choose, lessons start at 8:30 and finish at 3:30 p.m., after the lessons there are other activities, school life in Germany: students usually have their classrooms, the teachers join them for the different lessons, in some schools students can rent a locker if they want to, the school day starts directly with the first lesson, the students have a different timetable for each day, there are a few clubs, students do their homework at home in the afternoon, you can go to the toilet if the teacher allows you to go, there are no special subjects you can choose from, lessons usually start at 8:00 and finish at around 2 or 3 p.m., after the lessons the students go home,
Comparing school life in the USA and in Germany
8. Klasse
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