I________ (just/ finish) reading that book. It's fantastic! - I've just finished reading that book. It's fantastic!, She ________ (just/call) to say she'll be a bit late. - She has just called to say she'll be a bit late., They________ (just/buy) a new car. Have you seen it? - They've just bought a new car. Have you seen it?, ________ (you/just/start) Have you just started your new job? - Have you just started your new job?, They________ (already/decorate) the Christmas tree. - They've already decorated the Christmas tree., ________ (you/already/meet) Have you already met our new neighbors? - Have you already met our new neighbors?, ________ (you/finish/yet) your homework ____? - 11. Have you finished your homework yet?, We ________ (have lunch/yet). Are you hungry? - We haven't had lunch yet. Are you hungry?, They (decide/yet) on a name for the dog __. - They haven't decided on a name for the dog yet., ________ (you/fix/yet) the computer ____? - Have you fixed the computer yet?,


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