play - Piaget emphasized the importance of child’s interaction with objects, that they learn through ...., schema - most basic unit of intellect that organize our interaction with environment, assimilation - the process of absorbing new information into existing schemas, accommodation - this occurs when new info or stimuli cannot be assimilated, so new schemas are made or old ones are changed, sensorimotor stage - birth to age two, infants develop object permanence, simple games with objects are best, preoperational stage - ages 2-7, children develop language and concepts, can think of basic symbols, but limited by egocentrism; social and constructive games are good, conservation - ability to understand that an object's change in appearance is not a change in its nature, equilibrium - cognitive development occurs when this balance is found between assimilation and accomodation, egocentrism - the inability to see the world through other peoples' eyes,

Crossword of Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory Review


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