MOLDING - straight or decorative strip used for ornamentation ., MONOCHROMATIC - of one color (dark to light) i.e. black & white color scheme encompasses black through all the shades of grey to white, MOSAIC - broken fragments combined to create intricate ceramic tile patterns, MOTIF - dominant or recurring theme throughout a project, MURPHY BED - mattress and frame, which folds down or is raised and concealed in a built-in wall unit or cabinet, MURAL - scene or image painted or wallpapered onto a wall. i.e. trompe l'oeil, NAP - small raised, directional fiber ends found in woven fabrics and floor coverings affecting the appearance, i.e. carpet pile, NATURAL FIBER - textiles made from animal or vegetable sources i.e. cotton , linen , silk , wool, NCIDQ - National Council for Interior Design Qualifications, NEWEL POST - decorative post used to support the beginning or intermediate intervals between spindles and rails on a staircase,

Interior Design-Glossary 17


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