Complementary - Something which augments an existing piece of knowledge or approach., Alternative - Something which replaces an existing piece of knowledge or approach., Mainstream - The normal, accepted approach., Osteopathy - Massage technique using pressure points in the neck, hands and ankles., Reiki - The use of hands to transfer energy to an individual., Bloodletting - An approach to dealing with Bubonic Plague., Galen - Father of Anatomy., Hippocrates - Creator of the 4 humours., Mint - Traditional remedy for stomach therapy., Evidence based treatments - Scientifically proven., First do no harm. - The Hippocratic Oath., Phineas Gage - Frontal Lobe Disinhibition., Nye Bevan - Creator of the NHS., Chamomile - Traditional sleep remedy., Marcus Trentius Varro - First theory on microbiology., Ayuverdic Medicine. - Early Indian therapies.,

Complementary Therapies and Alternative Medicine.


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