Christmas - the biggest holiday in Canada, that is both religious and non-religious, Christian - someone who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ, North Pole - the most northern point in the world, stocking - a very large sock that is used to give and receive gifts, birth - the beginning of a new life, Santa Claus - the old, happy man from the North Pole who delivers gifts at Christmas, family - a group of people who are related to each other, Christmas tree - a real or fake tree that is decorated at Christmas, turkey - the most common meat that families eat at Christmas, decorations - items that are placed in and outside to look festive, gift - a present that is given to someone, pagan - very old religions from before Christianity, carol - a song or story about Christmas, Scrooge - an old, unhappy and greedy man, Fred - the cheerful nephew of Scrooge, Bob Cratchit - the employee of Scrooge who is poor but thankful , Marley - Scrooge's old business partner who died, Dickens - the author of A Christmas Carol, chain - metal linked together that can be heavy, coal - used to heat homes long ago,
Christmas Vocabulary (Ellii lesson CLB 3/4)
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English Language Learners
CLB 3/4
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