1) In this game, you ___ win ___ lose. It depends on you. a) either...or b) neither...nor 2) This is my offer. You ___ take it or leave it. a) either b) neither 3) You can ___ submit your homework via Google Classroom or Telegram. a) Neither b) Either 4) Mansi ___ sings nor dances but she is good in English. a) either b) neither 5) You can ___ use your textbook or surf the Internet to find the answers. a) either b) neither 6) Let's meet on ___Monday or Tuesday a) neither b) either 7) __ it will rain tomorrow, __ it won't rain. a) Either......or b) Neither......nor 8) __the UK __Spain are in Asia. a) neither........nor b) either......or 9) She is __ polite nor funny. a) neither b) either 10) Mr. Yash teaches neither Maths ___ English. He is an art teacher. a) or b) nor 11) Neither Sarah ___ her sisters are very tall. a) nor b) or 12) We play either tennis ___ basketball. a) nor b) or 13) I am ___ tall ___ short. a) neither, nor b) neither, or 14) You can use ___ this computer ___ the other one. Someone must fix them first. a) either....or b) neither...nor 15) She can neither eat prawns ___eat crabs. a) nor b) or


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