What's your name?, What day is it today?, What's your phone number?, Where do you live?, What's your mother's name?, How old are you?, When is your birthday?, Do you have any brothers or sisters?, What do you like doing in your free time?, Do you practise any sports?, Can you spell your name?, Is your brother/sister married?, How many cousins do you have?, Is your teacher's name María?, Where are you from?, Do you go to school by bus?, Can you spell your surname?, What does your mother/father do?, Are you a student?, What does your friend like doing in his/free time?, When does your mother/father watch TV?, What time do you get up?, What time do you have dinner?, What's your favourite day of the week?, Who do you live with?, Does your grandma speak Korean?, Do you usually have breakfast?, When do you have English classes?, What's your favourite season?, Do you always do your homework?.

Speaking Practice Beginners


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