1) When Nathan started his job he couldn’t ____at 6 a.m a) Get up b) Get used to getting up c) Got used to get up d) Used to get up 2) If you want to loose weight then you’ll have to ___ less a) To get used to eating b) Used to eat c) Get use to eating d) Got used to eat 3) I don’t like having dinner at 10:00 - I ___ a meal so late a) I’m not used to have b) I am not used have c) I’m not used to having d) I’m not use to have 4) When we were children we ____ all day playing football in the park  a) Used to spend b) Used to spending c) Use to spend d) Use spend 5) Jasmine has a been nurse all her life so she ___nights a) Is use worked b) Is used to work c) Is use to working d) Is used to working 6) I’ve never worn classes before but I’ll have to ___ them a) Got used to wear b) Get used to wear c) Got used wear d) Got used wearing 7) I didn’t recognize you! You ___ long hair. Didn’t you? a) Used to have b) Use have c) Used had d) Used to having 8) Amedia is an only child. She ___ her things a) Isn’t use share b) Isn’t used to share c) Isn’t used to sharing d) Isn’t used shared


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