1) My brother is ____ person in my family. a) young b) younger than c) the youngest 2) I think Nadal is _______ tennis player in the world. a) good b) better than c) the best 3) Mexico is a very ____ country. a) large b) larger than c) the largest 4) I usually get up ____ my mum. a) early b) earlier than c) the earliest 5) Winter is ___ season of the year in Europe. a) cold b) colder than c) the coldest 6) Susan's wearing a ____ dress today. a) new b) newer than c) the newest 7) Kevin runs ___ James does. a) fast b) faster than c) the fastest 8) This is ____ film I have ever seen. a) interesting b) more interesting than c) the most interesting 9) Canada is ____ Spain a) cold b) colder than c) the coldest 10) Her eyes are ____ mine. a) pretty b) prettier than c) the prettiest

Comparative or superlative - P&L 900


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