1) Gravity weakens as distance… a) increases b) stays the same c) decreases 2) The greater the mass, the _________ the gravity. a) greater b) weaker 3) The hull of a boat at sea appears to disappear as it moves into the distance due to… a) the curvature of the Earth b) the boat sinking c) large waves 4) Why did ancient Greeks, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians and Vikings all believe that the Earth was a flat disc or plane surrounded be water? a) They just believed what they could see. b) They had travelled to the edge and had seen it. c) They fell off when they got to the edge 5) Roughly what shape are the Earth, Sun and Moon? a) spherical b) flat c) circular 6) The Moon is a… a) natural satellite b) artificial satellite c) planet d) asteroid 7) Why is the International Space Station an artificial satellite? a)  It is object that people have made and launched into orbit using rockets.  b) It has human beings on it. c) It was made by artificla intelligence. 8) Approximately how far is the Moon from the Earth? a) 400,000km b) 400km c) 40,000km 9) The Earth is a satellite of the Moon? a) FALSE b) TRUE 10) The Sun is a planet. a) FALSE b) TRUE 11) The gravity of the Sun keeps the planets in their orbit. a) TRUE b) FALSE 12) How long does it take to complete a lunar cycle? a) 28 days b) 12 hours c) 1 day 13) How long does it take for the Earth to go around the Sun once? a) 365¼ b) 1 day c) 365 14) What is the largest planet in our solar system? a) Jupiter b) Earth c) Saturn d) Neptune 15) Which one of the following is not one of the outer four gas giant planets of our solar system? a) Mars b) Neptune c) Uranus d) Saturn 16) The smallest planet in our solar system is a) Mercury b) Jupiter c) Earth d) the Moon 17) Which one of the following is not one of the rocky inner four planets of our solar system? a) Saturn b) Earth c) Mercury d) Venus 18) The planets in our Solar System in order: Mercury, ________, Earth, ________, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, ________ a) Venus/Mars/Neptune b) Neptune/Mars/Venus c) Mars/Venus/Pluto 19) The coldest planet in our Solar Ststem is… a) Uranus b) Pluto c) Neptune d) Jupiter 20) The hottest planet in our Solar System is… a) Venus b) Mars c) the Sun d) Mercury 21) Which 2 of the gas planets can also be referred to as Ice Giants a) Uranus and Neptune b) Jupiter and Uranus c) Neptune and Pluto 22) How do the planets move around the Sun? a) The planets orbit the Sun at different distances. b) The planets orbit the Sun all in a line together. 23) Which theory proposes that the Earth is in the centre of our Solar System with all other planets and the Sun revolving around it? a) Geocentric Model b) Heliocentric Theory 24) What theory did Nicolaus Copernicus propose in 1543? a) Heliocentric Theory b) Geocentric Theory 25) How did Gallileo scientifically prove Heliocentric Theory? a) Using a telescope b) By going into space c) Drawing pictures of the stars 26) The Earth spins on its axis… a) anticlockwise b) clockwise 27) How long does it take for the Earth to spin on its axis? a) 24 hours/1 day b) 1 month c) 1 week 28) The Earth orbits the Sun… a) anticlockwise b) clockwise 29) The Moon rotates on its axis… a) anticlockwise b) clockwise 30) The Moon orbits the Earth… a) anticlockwise b) clockwise 31) Our Moon doesn't shine, it… a) reflects sunlight b) produces its own light 32) What do we call the phase of the Moon where you can see more than half illuminated but not all of it? a) Gibbous b) crescent c) full d) new 33) When the Moon appears to be illuminated more as the days go by, we call it a… a) waxing moon b) waning moon 34) A New Moon occurs when a) the Moon is not lit by the Sun at all b) the Moon is fully lit by the Sun c)  the Moon is more than half lit by the Sun d) the Moon is less than half lit by the Sun 35) When we see the moon when it is less than half lit, we call it a) crescent b) new c) gibbous d) full 36) Why does it get dark at night? a) The Earth spins on its axis once a day. b) The Moon covers the Sun once a day. c) The Earth goes around the Sun once a day. 37) The Sun makes its own light. a) TRUE b) FALSE 38) The Sun is a star. a) TRUE b) FALSE 39) The Sun appears to rise in the… a) East b) West 40) When it is night time in the UK, we are… a) facing away from the Sun b) facing the Sun 41) When the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, we have… a) Winter b) Summer 42) Seasonal change is caused by… a) the tilt of the Earth on its axis b) the clocks changing twice a year c) the Earth's orbit changing distance throughout the year. 43) The Sun always illuminates half of the Moon, while the other half remains dark. a) True b) False 44) What is the Goldilocks Zone? a) a habitable zone b) a planet c) a sun

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