knight - noun: an ancient soldier wearing metal armour, or a man given the title by the King, also a chess piece shaped like a horse, knowledge - noun: all the facts and information someone knows about something, knife - noun: the sharp cutlery used for cutting when you eat, knuckle - noun: joints in your fingers or where your fingers join your hand, wrestler - noun: someone who wrestles, writer - noun: another word for an author, pterodactyl - noun: a prehistoric flying creature, wreath - noun: leaves and flowers arranged in a circle, wreckage - noun: leftover pieces of a ship or vehicle after an accident, mnemonic - noun: the rhyme you can use to spell out the letters of something you're trying to remember, doubt - verb: to feel uncertain or noun: the feeling of uncertainty, island - noun: a piece of land surrounded by water, lamb - noun: a baby sheep, or the meat we eat that comes from sheep, solemn - adjective: very serious or sincere, thistle - noun: a purple spiky flower which is the special flower of Scotland, autumn - noun: season between summer and winter when the leaves fall, build - verb: to make something, receipt - noun: a piece of paper that proves you've paid for something, ascends - verb: moving upwards or climbing, disciple - noun: a person who follows a leader (Jesus had 12 disciples in the Bible),
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