1) Lives in water, has fins and gills. a) mammal b) fish c) bird d) insect e) amphibian f) reptile 2) With 3 body sections and 6 legs. a) mammal b) fish c) bird d) insect e) amphibian f) reptile 3) Has 2 legs, 2 wings and 1 beak. a) mammal b) fish c) bird d) insect e) amphibian f) reptile 4) Takes care of it’s baby. Covered with hair or fur. a) mammal b) fish c) bird d) insect e) amphibian f) reptile 5) Has dry skin and covered with scales. a) mammal b) fish c) bird d) insect e) amphibian f) reptile 6) part of its life in water and the other part on land. a) mammal b) fish c) bird d) insect e) amphibian f) reptile 7) can spray a bad smell from it’s back to protect themselves. a) goats b) skunk c) woodpeckers d) rabbits 8) use beaks to get food. a) goats b) skunk c) woodpeckers d) rabbits 9) can use their horns to protect themselves. a) goats b) skunk c) woodpeckers d) rabbits 10) have large ears to help them hear when danger is near. a) goats b) skunk c) woodpeckers d) rabbits 11) Groundhogs make whistle. a) True b) False 12) Megaphones are used to communicate over long distances. a) True b) False 13) We can hear by our nose. a) True b) False 14) Sounds make vibrations a) True b) False 15) These are gills. a) True b) False 16) A ……………………………is the scientist who studies animals. a) Botanist b) Zoologist 17) An …………………………is an animal that has an armor to keep it safe. a) Armadillo b) Ridgway’s Rail c) tree 18) A……………………………… is a bird. It uses it’s beak to eat and drink. a) Ridgway’s Rail b) Armadillo c) lion 19) A…………………………… is an example for reptiles. a) frog b) snake c) lion 20) Young elephant is ………………………… a) Offspring b) parent c) dog 21) The dog puppies will look ………………… their parents. a) similar to b) different form 22) A …………………………is a feature of a living thing. a) color b) trait c) cat 23) A raccoon has black………. a) mask b) cat c) horse 24) An animal will make a sound to signal that there is ……………nearby. a) danger b) water c) dog 25) Vervet monkeys are …………………………their offsprings. a) eating b) cleaning c) hunting 26) Some animals are trained to help people like .......... a) lions b) dogs c) tigers 27) The sound of bee is a ................ a) buzz b) bark c) chirp 28) The sound of dog is a ................  a) buzz b) bark c) chirp 29) The sound of bird is a ................  a) buzz b) bark c) chirp 30) Wolf can communicate with other wolves by ..........  a) Light b) Sound c) Movement 31) Fireflies can communicate with other fireflies by……………… a) Light b) Sound c) Movement 32) Gorilla can communicate with other gorillas by ......... a) movement b) sound c) light 33) Sealion can communicate with other sea lions by making… a) noise b) cry c) light 34) Frog can communicate with other frogs by making ....... a) noise b) cry c) light 35) Parent and offspring of animals are different in ......... a) size and color b) light 36) Insects have …………………………body parts. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4

Science Grade 1


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