1) past tense of catch a) catched b) caught c) catch 2) past tense of begin a) began b) begin c) begun 3) past participe of put a) put b) putted c) puted 4) past participe of swim a) swam b) swim c) swum 5) past tense of see a) see b) saw c) seen 6) infinitive of understood a) understanded b) understood c) understand 7) past participle of bring a) brought b) bring c) bringed 8) simple past of write a) written b) wrote c) write 9) past tense of say a) sayed b) said c) say 10) past participle of speak a) speak b) spoke c) spoken 11) past tense of do a) did b) do c) done 12) past participle of draw a) drew b) drawn c) draw 13) past tense of leave a) leave b) leaved c) left 14) past tense of run a) ran b) run c) runned

Irregular verbs past tense and past participle


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