1) 83. What is the speaker mainly discussing?  a) (A) A project deadline  b) (B) Marketing techniques c) (C) Financial planning d) (D) Software development 2) 84. Why does the speaker say, "He has managed similar issues for us in the past"? a) (A) To show someone's suitability  b) (B) To ask for more help c) (C) To express concern d) (D) To complain about a decision. 3) 85. What will Keith French do next week? a) (A) Meet a client  b) (B) Present a plan c) (C) Upgrade a program d) (D) Hire a designer 4) 86. What is the report mainly about? a) (A) A construction proposal  b) (B) An upcoming election c) (C) A road closure d) (D) A tax increase 5) 87. According to the speaker, what must a new council head do? a) (A) Appoint a member  b) (B) Reduce a budget c) (C) Attend a conference d) (D) Create a development plan 6) 88. Why does the speaker say a task will not be easy? a) (A) There's public opposition.  b) (B) There are damaged facilities. c) (C) There's limited funding. d) (D) There are too many regulations. 7) 89. Who most likely is the listener? a) (A) A truck driver  b) (B) A travel agent c) (C) An office supervisor d) (D) A maintenance worker 8) 90. What does the speaker mean when she says, "they will come to the apartment sooner than I thought"? a) (A) A plan should be changed.  b) (B) An occupant has a special request. c) (C) A problem has been solved. d) (D) A delivery must be postponed. 9) 91. What does the speaker ask the listener to do? a) (A) Call a resident  b) (B) Speak with an assistant c) (C) Provide some samples d) (D) Cancel a meeting 10) 92. Where most likely are the listeners?  a) (A) At an art museum  b) (B) At a convention center c) (C) At a guitar shop d) (D) At a music academy 11) 93. What has been placed on the table? a) (A) Some music sheets  b) (B) Some instruments c) (C) A photo album d) (D) A class schedule 12) 94. What will the listeners probably do next? a) (A) Discuss a piece of music  b) (B) Enjoy some refreshments c) (C) Watch a performance d) (D) Gather in groups 13) 95. What is the speaker mainly discussing?  a) (A) A customer complaint  b) (B) Employee schedules c) (C) Marketing strategies d) (D) A sales event 14) 96. Look at the graphic. Which product number is out of stock? a) (A) 3392  b) (B) 4192 c) (C) 6447 d) (D) 8426 15) 97. What does the speaker recommend doing?  a) (A) Reducing prices  b) (B) Redirecting shoppers c) (C) Promoting a warranty d) (D) Extending an event Room 16) 98. According to the speaker, what will happen tomorrow? a) (A) Some equipment will be set up.  b) (B) A desk will be removed. c) (C) A guest list will be printed. d) (D) Some devices will be demonstrated. 17) 99. Look at the graphic. Where is Printer Z situated? a) (A) Area 1  b) (B) Area 2 c) (C) Area 3 d) (D) Area 4 18) 100. What does the speaker suggest the listeners do? a) (A) Contact a technician  b) (B) Refer to some instructions c) (C) Visit a reception desk d) (D) Send an e-mail



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