1) What is the effect of the Sacrament of Baptism? a) It makes us community mission-spirited persons. b) It marks the confirmed with an indelible seal. c) It makes us adopted as sons and daughters of God. d) It unites us with the Body of Christ-the Church. 2) Who can receive the Sacrament of Confirmation? a) A person that has grown his/her faith and is baptized. b) A person that has not received any sacrament. c) A person that is not baptized. d) A person that faith is not matured in them. 3) What is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist? a) A celebration where our parents speak for us. b) It is a gateway to a life of faith in the Holy Triune God. c) Giving us the fullness of God's love through the Holy Spirit. We speak for ourselves of our commitment to our faith and love for Jesus d) A celebration of thanksgiving, worship, a memorial to Jesus' sacrifice, communion, and a sacrament to Jesus' presence 4) Which answer has the right order for parts of the Confirmation Rite? a) ➊Laying on of Hands, ➋Presentation of the Candidates, ❸Renewal of Baptismal Promises  b) ➊Renewal of Baptismal Promises, ➋Laying of Hands, ❸Presentation of Candidates c) ➊Presentation of Candidates, ➋Renewal of Baptismal Promises, ❸Laying of Hands 5) Who can give the Sacrament of Baptism? a) Bishop b) Doctor c) Non baptized person d) Dog. 6) One answer has 1 part of the Rite of Baptism, what is that part? a) Laying on of Hands b) Reception of the Child c) Presentation of Candidates d) Confession 7) What are the parts of the Holy Mass? a) ➊Introductory Rite, ➋Liturgy of the Word, ➌Liturgy of the Eucharist b) ➊Introductory Rite, ➋Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism, ➌Laying of Hands c) ➊Liturgy of the Word, ➋Liturgy of the Eucharist, ➌Presentation of the Candidates 8) What is the effect of the Sacrament of Confirmation? a) It unites us more closely with Jesus b) It gives us new life in Jesus Christ c) It strengthens and confirms the grace of Baptism d) It makes us members of the Body of Christ-the Church 9) Who can celebrate the Holy Mass? a) Only Catholics b) Everyone c) Only Muslims d) Only Dogs 10) What is the Sacrament of Confirmation? a) A gateway to a life of faith in the Holy Triune God b) Most basic action of a Catholic c) We speak for ourselves of our commitment to our faith and love for Jesus. d) Forgiving us from our sins


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