Would you believe it?: Did you know that...?, Statistics/studies show that..., Now, here's a funny thing: One of my favourite stories/ jokes about that is..., Whenever I'm asked about.... I think of the story of..., Let me take you on a journey: I'd like to start off by...., By the end of this morning's talk..., Wise words: I think it was .... who said...., In closing, I'm reminded of the words of...., This is a true story, by the way: I was.... the other day and happened to/ came across..., I remember when I was working/living..., Is anybody out there?: Could you just raise your hand if you've ever..., Have you ever been in the situation where...?, To cut a long story short: So, to sum up..., So today my central message today is...., Oh, and one last thing...: That just about brings me to the end of my presentation, except to say..., If you take just one thing from today's talk, take this...,

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