In my opinion, restaurants should..., Nowadays, people do not..., Next year I'm not going to..., I've never lent..., At the moment..., I always.... but I never..., They sometimes... and ..., How often... ?, Don't worry, I promise I..., Shall we ....?, I've always wanted to..., Have you ever...?, How long have they ...?, It has just..., That's the worst..., My sister is as ...., We are .... than..., It's not as... as..., What a .... !, Once a month..., When I was a kid, I was not able to..., You must..., Passengers have to... , Visitors mustn't..., Animals are not allowed to..., While I was talking on the phone..., As a kid I used to..., They didn't use to..., I'm used to..., My mum is getting used to..., I have never got used to..., I'm sure he must..., They might ..., Definitely that can't..., If you don't..., If I were..., If I had..., If she doesn't..., If I didn't..., If they hadn't..., She said...., My friend told me..., I don't mind..., I admit..., She can't afford..., There is plenty of..., There are no....


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